Want to get exclusive discounts? Join our Rewards Program today and start earning. Membership is free!
As a Rewards Member, you will earn 5 points for every $1 spent with Cedar & Scotch (excludes gift cards), and you can unlock a $5 reward for every 500 points.
How to earn more points:
- Sign up! Click the Rewards tab in the lower left corner of our page and enter your information, new Rewards Members will earn 50 points. By the way, we won't ever share or sell your information to third parties.
- Place additional orders. Rewards Members will earn 5 points for $1 spent.
- Rewards Members can earn a $5 coupon whenever they share our reward referral code URL (from our Rewards tab) with a friend on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) or via email and that friend makes a purchase (excluding Gift Cards) on the C&S website. Your friend will get a $5 coupon to use, too!
- New Rewards Members who follow the C&S Instagram account will earn 50 points.
- New Rewards Members who like our Facebook account will earn 50 points.
- New Rewards Members who share our Facebook page will earn 50 points.
Rewards Program FAQs
How do I know if I'm enrolled as a Rewards Member?
Click the Rewards tab, and enter your email and password. You'll be prompted to do so if you haven't registered yet.
I've already submitted my email address on the website or entered it during a previous checkout. Am I a new Rewards Member?
Unfortunately, no. While we greatly appreciate our repeat clients, New Rewards Members are first-time site guests who've never submitted their email or made a purchase with C&S using their email.
How do I earn points?
See the bulleted list above.
Where can I see my points?
Click on the Rewards tab, sign in, and you'll be able to see your current allotment.
Once I'm a Reward Member, how do I redeem my points:
Once you reach 500 points, you can redeem them to create a coupon code to use during checkout. Put that coupon code into the 'Discount Code or Gift Card' box and click 'Apply.' Want to save your points for a more significant discount on a future purchase? You can do that too. They're your points. Use them how you like!
When do my reward points expire?
Currently, there is no expiration for reward points. Keep them until you redeem them!
Do previous purchases count towards my reward points?
Unfortunately not. Any purchases made before signing up will not count towards earning points.
I have more questions about the Reward Program that weren't answered above what should I do?
Email 'info@cedarandscotch.com' and we'll help get them answered!